Career development
We are passionate about professional development. We don’t have fixed individual CPD budgets, and provide paid CPD days for receptionists, RVNs and vets.
We support personal, as well as professional development. For example, all colleagues have DISC profiling completed with VDS training when they join.
In our 2022 Meraki Employment Experience Survey we scored 90% in the Learning, Development, and Feedback section.
We support personal, as well as professional development. For example, all colleagues have DISC profiling completed with VDS training when they join.
In our 2022 Meraki Employment Experience Survey we scored 90% in the Learning, Development, and Feedback section.

Professional development
CPD and training plans are made for all employees annually, as part of an annual 1:1 meeting. We do a lot of the usual in-house training within normal working ours e.g., new equipment, ‘lunch and learns’, but also have time for 1:1 training. For example, John does surgical training with our assistant vets, and Laura has spent time teaching ultrasound techniques. We have done cytology training for the nursing team and arranged exotics CPD with our exotics vet.
We have a well-stocked library (all the BSAVA manuals for a start) and enjoy discussing cases. Regular vets meetings include ‘journal club’ where we can share any recent discoveries, as well as new products.
We support and fund external CPD, ranging from online courses to attendance at conferences, to certificates. We supported our head nurse Caz through her DipAVN and BSc, cat crazy Claire through her ISFM certificate and RVN Laura Holderness, who recently completed her behaviour certificate. Recently nurses Laura Sproul, Caz and Ellen completed certificates in nutrition, physiotherapy and rehabilitation, and emergency and critical care respectively. Lynzi, who joined us in 2023, has recently enrolled on her exotics nursing certificate programme, while Heather is studying for an advanced anaesthesia qualification.
We have a well-stocked library (all the BSAVA manuals for a start) and enjoy discussing cases. Regular vets meetings include ‘journal club’ where we can share any recent discoveries, as well as new products.
We support and fund external CPD, ranging from online courses to attendance at conferences, to certificates. We supported our head nurse Caz through her DipAVN and BSc, cat crazy Claire through her ISFM certificate and RVN Laura Holderness, who recently completed her behaviour certificate. Recently nurses Laura Sproul, Caz and Ellen completed certificates in nutrition, physiotherapy and rehabilitation, and emergency and critical care respectively. Lynzi, who joined us in 2023, has recently enrolled on her exotics nursing certificate programme, while Heather is studying for an advanced anaesthesia qualification.
New graduate training scheme
We are RCVS VetGDP approved, with vet and owner John assigned as the new graduate mentor.
We employed a new graduate, Jemma, in 2019. Jemma had already spent time with us on EMS, which is a great way of ensuring a good fit between employee and practice. Jemma was confident and keen to get stuck in, with support. Examples of ways we minimise stress include longer consults/extra breaks in consult sessions initially, lots of ops time with another surgeon available to help, in house training and case discussion (e.g. ultrasound technique, cadaver surgery, vets meetings), a delay in joining the OOH rota until comfortable and dedicated back-up for as long as required, and regular 1:1 catch ups.
We have no limit on CPD budgets, with Jemma choosing to attend some practical dentistry CPD, ophthalmology and consulting CPD in her first year. In 2024 we employed another of our EMS students, Hasita. She has opted to attend a practical surgery course in 2025, and has already completed imaging and CPR CPD in addition to in-house training.
We are happy to support graduates through a recognised independent new graduate scheme if they prefer.
We employed a new graduate, Jemma, in 2019. Jemma had already spent time with us on EMS, which is a great way of ensuring a good fit between employee and practice. Jemma was confident and keen to get stuck in, with support. Examples of ways we minimise stress include longer consults/extra breaks in consult sessions initially, lots of ops time with another surgeon available to help, in house training and case discussion (e.g. ultrasound technique, cadaver surgery, vets meetings), a delay in joining the OOH rota until comfortable and dedicated back-up for as long as required, and regular 1:1 catch ups.
We have no limit on CPD budgets, with Jemma choosing to attend some practical dentistry CPD, ophthalmology and consulting CPD in her first year. In 2024 we employed another of our EMS students, Hasita. She has opted to attend a practical surgery course in 2025, and has already completed imaging and CPR CPD in addition to in-house training.
We are happy to support graduates through a recognised independent new graduate scheme if they prefer.