Career development

We regularly discuss individual goals to see how we can help them achieve them. We actively encourage CPD for both our vets and nurses.
We source specialists to help train. We have an ultrasonographer coming in to help our youngest team member Joanna progress in her scanning on a regular basis.
We have a good relationship with surrounding practices. Rita is currently undertaking her surgical certificate and she often goes to our local referral practice to brush up her skills.
New graduate training scheme
Every new graduate is automatically enrolled onto a Graduate Programme which runs alongside their day to day role as a vet. It is designed to support and complement the skills and knowledge that our new graduate will develop while working in practice.

They are assigned a buddy at Argyll to support then clinically and emotionally as we realise the latter is only something that new grads experience once in practice. We find they are often underprepared for that emotional toll. We work hard to ensure they can talk openly about these struggles and find ways to work through it together.

We look to provide mentors who are approachable and able to establish what the individual needs from them. Once individuals needs are determined it allows more tailored coaching to help them plan how they are going to achieve it.

Mentoring has always been available within our practice but our ability to coach is still evolving. We want our team to thrive and are making active efforts to learn how to best achieve this.

Performance management
We have monthly check ins which focus on wellbeing and career development.
Every 6 months we have performance reviews to look at strengths and weaknesses to see how we can help each individual progress in their career and achieve their aspirations.