06 Mar 2025

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Endometriosis Awareness Month

Westport Vets are very proud to be an Endometriosis Friendly Employer, providing the necessary support for their team members when needed. We're supporting #EndometriosisActionMonth, will you?

The theme for this years awareness campaign is "Endometrisosis Explained", which has been chosen this year due to not enough people knowing what endometriosis is. This means that those with the disease may find themselves having to constantly explain and justify themselves - to friends, family, work colleagues and even healthcare professionals.


What is endometriosis?

Endometriosis occurs when cells similar to the ones in the lining of the womb (uterus) are found elsewhere in the body. These cells can grow and change in response to hormones in the menstrual cycle, this can cause inflammation, pain and scar tissue.

Endometriosis is most commonly found on the lining of the pelvis (peritoneum) and may occur in the ovaries and involve other pelvic organs, like the bowel or bladder. Less commonly, endometriosis can also be found outside the pelvis, such as in the chest.

Endometriosis affects 10% of women and those assigned female at birth from puberty to menopause, although the impact may be felt for life. In the UK, that’s over 1.5 million from all races and ethnicities living with the condition.

Symptoms can vary in intensity from person to person. Whilst some may not experience any symptoms, for others it can be debilitating.
Common symptoms include:
- Pelvic pain
- Painful or irregular periods
- Pain during or after sex
- Painful bowel movements
- Pain when urinating
- Fatigue
- Difficulty getting pregnant
The actual cause for endometriosis is unknown. There are several theories as to why it occurs, but unfortunately none of them fully explain why it occurs.
Having endometriosis can significantly impact mental health and wellbeing. With treatment, many of these issues can be addressed, and the symptoms of endometriosis made more manageable. The main ways to manage and treat endometriosis are, pain management, hormone treatments and surgery.

What we're doing as a practice

Westport Vets are proud to be an Endometriosis Friendly Employer, and are commited to helping our colleagues that suffer with endometriosis. The Endometriosis Friendly Employer scheme is a way for us as employers to confirm our commitment to developing a work environment and culture that enables our employees with endometriosis to thrive at work. Through the scheme, Endometriosis UK provides guidance for employers on how to support employees with endometriosis and menstrual health conditions, and work towards improving the work environment.

RVN Lauren is our Endometriosis Champion at Westport Vets, and what this means is she is our visible member of staff within the practice that colleagues can turn to for support and information in relation to endometriosis. Lauren has been working hard with Endometriosis UK and other veterinary practices in order to spread the information surrounding endometriosis and how they can better help and understand the condition.

Read more about some people's experiences about endometriosis at their website:
If you think you may have endometriosis it is important to speak to you GP for further guidance. Questions and further advice, including how to sign up to the

Endometriosis Friendly Employer, can be found on the Endometriosis UK website


For those interested in hearing more about the work done at Westport Vets, please contact Lauren: lauren.wilson@westportvets.com