23 May 2023

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Tidying up the team courtyard!

How we've been improving team wellbeing and helping the bees!

As members of the bee friendly practice scheme with the British Bee Veterinary Association, we love helping the bees! We lost part of our practice garden during our cat clinic build in 2021, so instead created an enclosed coutyard with a cherry tree and lots of polinator-friendly plants. Great for foraging bees and for team sitting outside on sunny lunchbreaks. It's a real sun trap!

We abstained from any weeding in April despite a mass of dandelions appearing as these are a real food-lifesaver for polinators - bees included - in Spring. With no-mow May drawing to a close, and a local church plant sale this Saturday, our practice manager Rachel has been weeding the beds, tubs and between the patio slabs to make the garden tidier and to prepare for a jubilant June! This coming bank holiday Monday we'll be putting in new bee-friendly planting, ready for colourful country-cottage lunchtimes as of Tuesday for bees and team alike!